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Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and Sisters

Brother Knights and Sister Columbiettes gather together.

Knights and Columbiettes

Knights and Columbiettes

American Martyrs Fr. Murray Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes together again!

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness

In October, the Columbiettes had a Zumba event and raised money for breast cancer research.



Columbiettes having fun and supporting breast cancer research!

Pope Francis in NYC!

Pope Francis in NYC!

Pope Francis is a great example of strength and compassion. We all feel blessed!

Pope Francis 2015

Pope Francis 2015

American Martyrs Columbiettes and friends and family and thousands of New Yorkers welcome Pope Francis!

2015 Baby Shower

2015 Baby Shower

The Columbiettes collected three truckloads of items for Bridge to Life, to help mothers in need.

2015 Welcome Back Breakfast

2015 Welcome Back Breakfast

Brother Knights and Sister Columbiettes make the Welcome Back Bagel Breakfast a success!

Support the Food Pantry

Support the Food Pantry

Columbiettes are up early to encourage donations from supermarket shoppers.

Preparing for the Big Event!

Preparing for the Big Event!

Columbiettes help with preparations for the Knights of Columbus Welcome Back Bagel Breakfast.

Knights 2015 Food Collection

Knights 2015 Food Collection

Congratulations to our Brother Knights and all their helpers for a successful food collection to support the Food Pantry and the Women's Shelter.

Evening of Reflection

Evening of Reflection

Columbiettes and Knights gather together for the Evening of Reflection.

Bishop Molloy Retreat House

Bishop Molloy Retreat House

American Martyrs Fr. John J. Murray Columbiettes and Knights of Columbus Council 14666 at the Bishop Molloy Retreat House.

2015 Paint Nite!

2015 Paint Nite!

Columbiettes and Friends at Paint Nite!

Columbiettes at the Park!

Columbiettes at the Park!

Columbiettes pray, walk, and coffee talk in Cunningham Park!

Columbiettes Zumba 2015

Columbiettes Zumba 2015

Fun and Fitness!

American Martyrs Columbiettes gathered toiletries to donate to the Women's Shelter.

2015 Communion Breakfast

2015 Communion Breakfast

Columbiettes lend a helping hand at the 2015 Father Murray Communion Breakfast.

Food Drive

Food Drive

Columbiettes and friends support the food pantry.

Greenway Clean Day

Greenway Clean Day

Columbiettes, Knights, their families, and community volunteers removed rubbish and helped to beautify this neighborhood park.

Fournders Day Breakfast

Fournders Day Breakfast

Thank you to all the Columbiettes who assisted at the K of C Founders Day Bagel Breakfast 2015.

Columbiettes 2015 officers

Columbiettes 2015 officers

2015 Induction of Officers.

Our Emblem

Our Emblem

The Columbiettes logo represents the world, God's love, our zeal, and faith, hope, and charity.


The American Martyrs Fr. John J. Murray Columbiettes are involved in a variety of spiritual, charitable, and social activities in our parish and throughout the community.

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